EVENT: Mon. Dec. 12, 2011, 6am to evening
WHERE: Dewar Park (241 Market St, Port Hueneme, 93041 Info. Grant grantpeacenurse726@gmail.com United with occupations covering the entire west coast of California, "Occupy805," the regional collective of Ventura and Santa Barbara County occupy groups, is planning the complete shut down of Port Hueneme. The group reached consensus on the non-violent one day action that will begin Mon, Dec. 12th at 6am and last into the evening hours. Many Occupy groups will be coming from as far south as Calabasas, and as far north as San Luis Obispo. Inland Occupy groups from Fresno, Visalia, and Bakersfield will also be joining the occupation. No one in the group could predict the numbers involved. There were already 70 people at the General Assembly pledging to occupy Dec. 12th, and promising to bring friends, family, and loved ones. Veterans For Peace said they were taking part in the shut down and bringing a contingency in support of the action. Port Hueneme is the only deep water port for cargo shipping between San Diego and San Francisco. It is a likely reason why so many Occupy groups are coming from hundreds of miles away. Occupyers will gather on the day of the event in Dewar Park, which intersects Port Hueneme Road and Market Street. An Occupy805 spokesperson said they will not be interfering with the Navy base, nor do they intend to occupy federal land. They have promised the same non-violence and transparency with Hueneme Police that they had practiced with the Ventura PD. Past actions have been amicable, peaceful, and successful. "We will remain nonviolent, regardless of how the police behave, but we will not detour from our right to peacefully assemble," said an elder member, who also voiced concerns over national police aggressions and the use of pepper spray. Legal observers and videographers will monitor the event. Everyone was asked to bring their cell cameras and a statement for the press. When asked why the ports were targeted, an Occupy805 member responded, "West Coast ports represent the erosion of unions, poorer working conditions and wages, lost jobs and benefits, the outsourcing of jobs overseas, the rising importation of foreign goods, and the exportation of the war machine. West Coast ports are the mouth of the beast. They form a composite of our economic crisis." In October, hundreds appeared in Mission Park in support of OccupyWallStreet. In November, the group focussed on bank fraud and corruption, getting over a thousand Ventura County residents to move their money from major banks into non- profit credit unions and local banking. In December, the group is focussing on the ports, but also on senseless Christmas consumerism, urging county residents to buy from small local businesses, artisans, and craftsmiths instead of chain department stores carrying imports from China [such as American Apparel and Urban Outfitters in Ventura - VIEW Ed.] The group is dependent on large numbers in order to successfully bring the Port of Hueneme to shut down. "Large numbers could shut down the port quickly," said an occupyer who was part of the working group which studied the action. It was encouraged that people come out early, beginning at 6am. But the group was also hoping to cover both shifts, suggesting that people come after work in the late afternoon as well. At the Tuesday meeting, one member commented, "If we get lots of people to come and join the occupation for just a couple of hours throughout the day, that would be great. The greater the numbers, the greater will be our effectiveness." For logistics and more detailed information google, "occupy805."