Historic Libbey Bowldozed ~ The Ojai and Ventura VIEW
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Check Out the insane ... Ojai'$ City Official$ $elling Out Ojai'$ People'$ Park.... $acred Libbey Bowl Takeover by $$ ~ See the $ Lea$e ~ Click Here (it's 9mb of lengthy city attorney legalese... so you might hafta waaaait while it downloads...)~ I$ There a ~ 'The MOB' mentality - CONNECTION to Ojai? ~ June, Issue 27 Online - Exclusive VIEW Cover Story
* Is it True the Rebuild Ojai's Libbey Bowl Project May Have to Borrow more than $1.5 Million from the Cash-Strapped bad credit risk City of Ojai at a High Bank Interest Rate? Ojai City Council Meeting ~ June 15 spend spend spend....Who is twisting Jere Kersnar's arm......? |
Ojai Trivia: Which Ojai Non-'Profit' pays their Director $110,000 per year ?
Send your letters to editor@OjaiandVenturaView.com |
Good ole' Bowl is History
Libbey Bowldozed?
JUNE/2009: www.OjaiandVenturaVIEW.com
from June, Issue 15 Online - FREE
Editor's Note: Ojai needs to avoid massive costly mistakes such as those made by Disney Concert Hall. Disney incurred some $110 Million in overages due to defective acoustical and aesthetic design in the original planning, engineering and design.
Internationally respected and Grammy Award Winning Acoustician and Sound Designer Fred Vogler was elected to oversee the acoustical redesign.
Vogler, who is Acoustician, Head Lead mixer and Sound Designer for both the Hollywood Bowl, and the Disney Concert Hall is considered one of the top sound engineers in the world.
Vogler was sound engineer for the Ojai Music Festival under Pierre Boulez in 1996, and is familiar with the acoustic issues of Ojai's Libbey Bowl. He also participated in the $18 million rebuild of the (acoustically similar) Hollywood Bowl, completed in 2004. Vogler said he hopes Ojai's Libbey Bowl rebuild is successful, and would like to be contacted as he has a personal interest in the bowl being suited to the LA Philharmonic and other world class musicians and touring groups. In addition to his extensive classical sound engineering, Vogler has also sound engineered live rock acts and LPs for The Rolling Stones, The Who, Rod Stewart, Simon and Garfunkle, multitude motion picture sound tracks, etc. etc.
The VIEW contacted former Ojai Mayor and Architect David Bury last August with Vogler's name. Vogler has not been contacted by the City of Ojai or Bury.
"I participated with the group of consultants for the new Hollywood Bowl sound system. Because of the historic significance of the Hollywood Bowl, like Libbey Bowl, a lot of people were worried about rebuilding that.
If the Ojai City Council is really serious about rebuilding the Libbey Bowl, they have to start by consulting with people in the L.A. Philharmonic... or people within the industry who can provide a skill level and experience... There's only about half a dozen across the United States who are qualified. They absolutely need to hire a sound designer and an acoustician. I think it's crazy to go into designing a venue without getting advice from these people.
The architect doesn't have to know sound, but they need to bring in a team of sound engineers who can advise them. I have colleagues who have banded together to consult for that purpose. There's a lot of incompetence out there... you need to get a good sound engineer on board and a good acoustician and the city will not only save a lot of money, but avoid costly mistakes. You want someone who's had a lot of experience with live sound.
"There's certain needs that are specific to live concerts. In a live show there's no stopping and going back and fixing it. All these moving parts have to be choreographed so that there's not chaos but there's a fantastic show. At the end of the day, you have to connect that performer with the audience and all the technology has to get out of the way of that connection.... It's a tough gig. It requires making decisions on the fly and having the tools at hand to deal with what can happen. It usually takes about 10 to 15 years of dealing with this to get a pretty solid perspective.... There are plenty of really talented people who do it and there's plenty of incompetence, too.
"People refer to Ojai as kind of an upscale artistic community, so there's a really high expectation level for Ojai to produce quality. It has to be done right. You don't want some schlocky distorted amplification system," said Vogler.
Public discussion of the sound engineering of the Ojai Libbey Bowl rebuild has been sparse to non-existent. Instead, public sentiment has been primarily focused on maintaining the aesthetic, historical and architectural qualities of Libbey Bowl.
Last year, Libbey Bowl's rebuild costs were estimated upwards $3.5 million. [NEWS UPDATE/ED. NOTE: As of May, 2011, Costs have spiraled to approx. $5 million]
To date, the City of Ojai has allocated some $1 million, $500,000 of which funded March 12, 2008 for the now completed conceptual design.
Additional funding, the Ojai Civic Association, donation; $100,000, and a large commitment of $1 million from the Ojai Music Festival (OMF).
With the recent economic climate, it is unclear where the additional $1 to $1.5 Million is coming from. Fundraising efforts are underway.
Joel Anderson, editor
more info. www.LibbeyBowl.org
Public Art: Can The Arts Be Bribed?
The Slippery World of the Art Racket: Is Ojai Really Arts Friendly???
If you're thinkin' you're gonna benefit from the Libbey Bowl remangle... Folks are sayin' that just a few of Ojai's Elite reap the cash ~ with most getting just crumbs..... that the "pipeline of money" that may... filter into Ojai, will be verrrry narrowly channeled. That Out of Town Artists, not 'local' artists, will (and already are) among those who get the 'real' cash from the privatization of Ojai's 'People's' Park - Libbey. True ? Untrue ? Are you on the take ? Do you pucker up to Ojai's Elite ? Send your letters, if you dare.... editor@OjaiandVenturaView.com
* EXCLUSIVE Check is in the Mail ~ Save Libbey Bowl Pics, !!!!!!!!!
"...I want to remind everybody it is my position that a contract if all the money is not in the bank and that means , not pledges." -- Sue Horgan, April 13, 2010 ~ Ojai City Council Meeting ~ Ed. Note: Despite "double-faced" Horgan's words (abovc) she wound up doing an about face and VOTING FOR the Raid the City Kitty Project, despite the existing no "cash money" condition......
"The pledge collection rate may fall " - Libbey Bowl Reconstruction Project, June 10, 2010 Admininstrative Report
"Show Me The money"
- Cuba Gooding Jr. (in Jerry Mcguire)
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Email: editor@ojaiandventuraview.com