The Ojai & Ventura VIEW is FREE, edited, and written by its contributors. Printed by Western Web, and distributed in the Ojai, Ventura, S.B. Gold Coast Region, 15,000 copies printed monthly.
ADVERTISE In The VIEW -US POWER FOR SALE>- HILLARY DOES NOT Believe in a U.S. Border - Takes Money from Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime>>Hillary, Using Her Mega-Political-Clout - Sold Your Power and Influence to the Highest Authoritarian Bidders -
Ojai Politics: Mac-Paradise on a Postage Stamp Pay to Play: Did Mayoral Candidate Johnston Rig Things Up for Junior? Oct. 15, 2016: How did that horrendously huge out-of-scale-with-the-neighborhood mini (LA housing tract style) mac-mansion get built? The one at the back of Sarzotti Park (owned by none other than Ojai Mayoral Candidate Johnny Johnston's son, contractor Johnny Johnston Jr. (Mr. Friendly)...). How did it get such rapid council approval just a few short years ago?
With all Juniors current extra-contractor type thingys going on;... commercial business-like contracting activities back there now, his Gigantanourmous house/commercial workshop there, and extra commercial and private vehicles parked out on the street... and please don't hold up one of Junior's frequently arriving sub contractors or GIGANTIC delivery trucks by attempting to park your residential car or walk your dog down the sidewalk... or Junior will be down your throat in a heartbeat beating his almighty (connected-to-papa-bear-chest!)...
Yes, another Pay to Play - Ojai Mini-Mac Mansion, Approved around 2009/10, Mission Accomplished... and t'was even more quickly constructed by Junior of course on such a tiny tiny tiny little postage stamp of an Ojai "Flag" subdivided-lot in town... on big candidate Johnston's supporter, council member Betsy Clapp's watch... Now you have to understand, getting a "Gigantanormous" house approved on a teeny tiny "Flag" Lot Split in Ojai means you gotta have Juice with the Planning Commission, or you're treated like Ojai leftovers. But, Johnston Senior just stormed into Council/Planning(the castle)>with junior and made his Demands known, with a friendly smile of course. Of course Betsy's popularity needs all the help it can get these days on Ojai's council.
The "mini-Mac"" looks more like a cheap Thousand Oaks spec house with a view of the fence, a mere 15-ishhhh feet away. A dime a dozen down in that big city. Junior even has two incessant and constantly yapping mindless mutts to go with all the mediocrity... guess the dogs keep the friendly celebrating Mariachi Latinos at bay on the weekend, just over the fence, you know the picnic at the park next door, or so Junior's wife had said...
But all in all, the scale and quality of the "mini-mac", is still much more appropriate outside of Ojai. Yes, Rubber Stamp Approved when any other "regular folk"-citizen cannot get a simple and appropriate fence variance, modest room addition, or classy restaurant remodel approved on their property... Guess if Johnston makes it as Ojai's Mayor he can show developers the way... Nothing gets by Betsy, well almost nothing...
All this couldn't have had anything to do with how "Prominent" Junior's special father was... could it? Stinks Rife with Corruption to me, Pay to Play, Pay to Play. Must have been a handshake deal... Guess you have debts to pay, huh Betsy...
If Senior gets elected, Ojai can look forward to mega-Rubber Stamp Approvals of massive high unit high density low-income developments, but Ojai loves Traffic, don't it.
VIEW PhotographyClassic Rock - Ojai Independence Day - Mardi Gras - OV Mexican Fiesta - Pirate's Faire - Vintage Rock - St. Pats Parade - Vesna - more VIEW: Click for Photo Slideshows
Ojai Water: When all else fails will property values plummet because of govt. in-actions?
Was Ojai's Worst Mistake in the Past Year Hiring Rob Clark? Wreckless Ojai Code Enforcement?
Has Rob Already Outlived his Uselessness?
citizens losing their property?
When Your FriendTransforms Into YourNightmare
Do You...Constantly Live Your Life envious because you perceive everyone around you as more successful, having more money, more fulfilling work, better sex life, more comfortable, happier? Is it worse when your times get tougher? READ Peter Milhado's
"Envy Anyone?" VIEW pdf: Pg 3Issue Jan, #32
Public Money
What iswas Monte's Job? Evaluate Ojai City Attorney MonteClick Here...
EMAIL/or FAX (below) Your Evaluations to The Ojai and Ventura VIEW
VIEW EXCLUSIVE: Jan 2011/Issue #32: Ojai City Manager John Baker Says It's Not a Pretty Picture...
Irresponsible Spending
Ojai is Brrr-oke!- after depleting Ojai reserves subsidizing non-profit giveaways there is no more money to give... and will the Chamber's takeover of City Hall be complete? "It's not a pretty picture but I have a responsibility to tell you where we are."- John Baker, Interim City Manager VIEW John Baker's FULL Report-1/19/2011:Ojai "Cash Flow Problems" - The City is Broke!!!
Ojai's Primrose Path..."Neither a borrower nor a lender be, For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry" ~ Shakespeare more info
The Carol Smith Lackeys to the Kabal: Ojai City Council Meeting/Sept. 28, 2010, Video - Click Here VIEW: www.YouTube/OVVtaView Ojai Council Member Carol Smith Misreading City Ordinance - Using City Attorney in Personal Feud With Her Neighborly Ojaian Jerome Landfield - Ojai Council Member's Illegal Pop-up-Double Talk!!!
Is Carol Behaving
Video: Also, Ojai's Out of Control Weedpatch Trolley - Click Here --> VIEWwww.YouTube/OVVtaView ~ What to do with Ojai's
Financially Out of Control
Weedpatch Trolley? Council
Member Carol Smith suggests
an East End Trolley Caravan,
where Ojai Valley residents would bring their spare change..... to town? Is this intuitive marketing genius, or are we just beating dead horse? What say you? More in Ojai City VIEW Click Here!
Media VIEW
The Mainstream Media Puppetpress Bias for Lacky Corporations & Govt. Corruption Means Zero Accountability - the WatchDawg is Asleep onthe Job.... MEDIA VIEW
(Issue No. 10, Jan. 2009) Desperate Times: How the Mainstream Press is still screwing UP the U.S. by catering to corrupt corporate interests ~ Toughie Times for not-so 'Local' Corporate Chain-Print Rags, and they blame the internet for their lack of Soul & Journalistic Integrity...
Tough times for not-so 'locally' based corporate chainpapers has meant the discerning post- economic-crash 'press' consumer has perhaps begun to read through their lines with their pocket books.
The LA Times (Tribune Co.) has declared bankruptcy, the Star Free Press (Scripps closed Ventura offices) is in the process of stripping out 20 more employees, Ventura's VCReporter (Southland Publications a chain-based corporate faux-alternative, Pasadena/LA) is shrinking its pages, seeking interns, and one of their editors is actively looking for employment elsewhere. They're also having difficulty communicating with area merchants. Their co-founder was Ventura's (Conflict of Interest) City Manager, that is until he was finally fired. Has anyone noticed the Ojai Valley News(Tuscaloosa, Alabama, BuchananCommunications-based chain paper) recently reduced the width of its paper from 13 11/16"; to 11 15/16"? Shrewd... And one of their prime 'star' writers has called it splittsville, permanently and for far elsewhere away from the Ojai Valley... Could it be that these corporate chains have become overindulgent, fat, lazy and put themselves in the position of requiring an emergency intervention diet of light vittles, cornmeal and grits? Surely every so often you'll see one (or two or three) of these chains eat one healthy apple (in the form of a 1/2 way... decent well-intended-by-the-writer news story), but that's more often than not a make believe facade of a story intended to keep their paper mache reputation looking healthy. When Otis Chandler retired as owner of the Times he was not happy, as later in 1999, when the other controlling interest side of the Timesfamily formally made the editorial dept. wholly accountable to the advertising dept. This meant Times news gathering was further watered down in deference to the big bucks corporate Times advertisers' whim. And boy did they whim...Otis was particularly not happy at this sell out to The Staples Center ad influences and he made it know. He said to reporters at the time that Times management had been "unbelievably stupid". No wonder the U.S. of A. has been getting a lemonsqueezing all these years... What with Wall Street's cozy "wink-wink" love affair with the look-the-other-way corporate-media and corrupt government, ah the vestiges of zero press accountability ala No Rules Wall Street free-for-all.... One need only scan their littered pages to notice that there is a distinct absence of hard news and a Plethora of Press Releases (PR - propaganda) presented as "news" stories, ie: Ventura Breeze, others, etc. But wait, show pity? Perhaps it's not the mainstream media to blame? Perhaps they have simply become a complacent and willing victim of greedy corporations and bad governance.... As in the Stockholm Syndrome (remember Patty Hearst?); a psychological response sometimes seen in an abducted hostage (corporate media), in which the hostage shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker (greedy business and improper government influence), regardless of the danger or risk in which they have placed themselves and the Public. An object of pity or... Could watered down corporate rags simply and finally be getting their just due from too many years of business as usual (soft news peddling) in their unnatural sleepover with big government and payola-corporations? Time will tell... Look and Listen... can you hear the soul sucking sound? - editor
From: Joel Anderson [mailto:editor@ojaiand] Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 6:12 AM To: Subject: Fwd: An Open Letter to the VC Reporter, Chris Jay, [Chris] Mastrovita, and [Mike Michel] Cicero.
David Comden, publisher VCReporter
re: Ventura County Music Scene Letter
I am forwarding you an E-Mail/Letter I received at The Ojai and Ventura VIEW yesterday from D-FLOx. Perhaps you will find this Email/Letter useful. Have you seen it? I do know your schedule keeps you busy, you may not be involved in the day-to-day hands-on operations or maintenance of your editorial/entertainment depts, or you simply may not have had the opportunity to read the email/letter. At any rate, I would be interested in your thoughts re: D-FLOx's letter? Joel Anderson editor, The Ojai and Ventura VIEW Begin forwarded message:
-- --For Theft of The Ojai and Ventura VIEW
Media - "Dismal Failure"
An Open Letter to the VC Reporter, Chris
Jay, [Chris] Mastrovita, and [Mike Michel] Cicero To be fair, I would first like to applaud the VC Reporter for dedicating an entire issue to local music. I begin with a compliment, because the rest of this letter is dedicated to the fact that said recent issue, was a dismal failure.
I don't intend to diminish the talent or importance of the artist covered, but the tragic fact remains: The "Local Music" issue failed to include one single mention of the most actively growing music scene in Ventura County, the one that belongs to Heavy Metal.
In this letter, I will systematically highlight some of the "minor" points that your insular rag overlooked. [MichaelMichel] Cicero, Chris Jay, and Chris Mastrovita, I'm calling you out by name to pay close attention, because despite the fact that all three of you have been in music scene for years, perhaps age is getting the better of you and you require a wake up call. 1) Ascending Chaos Productions
Despite the fact that the VC Reporter believes that the majority of it's readers ane getting drunk at Bombay's three nights a week, there still exists a thriving and growing all-ages scene. A music scene is nothing without the kids. NO ONE in this town is doing more for the all ages scene then Gabi Chaos from Ascending Chaos Productions. She has personally bankrolled massive all ages shows for the past 2 years all over Ventura and Santa Barbara County, and booking national acts like CATTLE DECAPITATION, and VITAL REMAINS. But maybe the VC reporter was unaware of this scene, oh wait... "Ventura County's extreme metal scene is still alive and speed-picking, and Sunday night's packed death metal match-up at Knights of Columbus Hall was manifest proof of that fact (Mastrovita, VC Reporter Aug. 20th, 2009)." So Chris, was your omission of heavy metal just a case of amnesia or blatant laziness? 2) Warbringer
Perhaps you weren't aware that the majority of Warbringer's members are from Ventura, signed to Century Media, and recently opened up for bands like SLIPKNOT, and MEGADETH just to name a few. I wonder if Chris Jay knows anything about being in an internationally successful band from Ventura, and getting no recognition for it? 3) The Oxnard Hardcore/Deathcore Scene
For better or for worse, these kids are here to stay, and it's lasting generations. Opening this massive can warrant's pages and pages of material, and it's an atrocity that the VC reported neglected to at least pay some sort of mind to hundreds of kids continuing a tradition of hardcore music that has evolved into local bands with huge draws like GRAVESLUT. Last time I check, Oxnard is Ventura County too.
On Monday, April 26th at 6pm, we'll have Gabi Chaos as a special guest on The Dungeon Awaits Podcast, and we'll be dedicating an entire 2-hour radio show to discussing your "Local Music Issue", or the lack of local music rather. ( We'll be featuring exclusively 805 local bands, national acts and local acts, and picking up the pieces where your journalism is broken. As epic as the metal scene in Ventura County is and always will be, the only thing epic about your local music issue, is how it failed. D-FLOx
"Blood, Fire, and Death"
VCReporter Publisher Provides Lengthy Response to The Ojai and Ventura VIEW re. Letter from 'D-FLOx'
Subject: RE: An Open Letter to the VC Reporter, Chris Jay, [Chris]
Mastrovita, and [Mike Michel] Cicero
Date: April 22, 2010 8:19:46 AM PDT To: editor@ojaiandventura
Joel: I received it.
Communication Therapy
VIEW Public Service AnnouncementTM
Passive Communication is a style in which individuals have developed a pattern of avoiding expressing their opinions or feelings, protecting their rights, and identifying and meeting their needs. Passive communication is usually born of low self-esteem. These individuals believe: "I'm not worth taking care of."
Is He the "Media" a Government Puppet ? Ventura VCReporter Publisher ?
Cozy Relationship with City Government Tries to Shut Down the First Amendment in Ventura......
- by Joel Anderson, editor
Editors Note: The following email was recently received by the Ojai and Ventura VIEW advertising dept. from Pasadena-based corporate-chain faux-alternative VCReporter Publisher David Comden, (after standard business hours - 9-5pm). Is Dave operating as a City Official, Merchant, Publisher, or just as a businessman trying to corner the local advertising market, or all of the above ? I wasn't aware Dave was an elected official for the City of Ventura, at any rate...... Sent: Tues. March 17, 2009, 5:42 pm From: To: advertise@ojaiandventurav
Notice Regarding Changes to the Newspaper Rack Ordinance
March 17, 2009
Dear Publishers and Distributors :
The Downtown Ventura Organization, in conjunction with the City of Ventura, is developing a new set of rules and regulations regarding newspaper racks and vendor boxes for Downtown Ventura. This letter serves as the first contact regarding such changes.
At last count, there are over twenty different publications with a wide variety of racks and boxes in style, materials, color, etc... Our intent is to develop a new ordinance that helps to make Downtown Ventura more organized, attractive and safe.
There will be a meeting at 3pm, Thursday, April 9 at Jonathan's at Peirano's Restaurant, 204 E Main Street, downtown Ventura (across from the Mission) to discuss proposed changes to the present ordinance.
All publishers are invited to this meeting to hear the proposed changes and learn how they can be part of the process. Please RSVP by Monday, April 6 to to let us know if you plan to attend this meeting. Contact Jerry Breiner, DVO Downtown Operations Team (DOT) Committee Chair at 805-794-7323 for more information.
See you Thursday, April 9th!
David Comden
Ventura County Reporter
Ventana Monthly Magazine
Office 805-648-2244 ext 220
VIEW EDITOR'S NOTE:I wonder if all racks will be required to be painted VCReporter Red? What great sense of (L.A.) community Dave has.... to donate his precious time to such a uh... cause as stifling the First Amendment - and so cheery about it ! Looks like Dave is Working Overtime..... !
VIDEO CLICK IMAGE ABOVE: Rigging the Election - Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies
- Corruption for Hillary:
State Department Undersecretary Patrick Kennedy asked FBI to Cover Hillary's Ass/Bribe-"Quid pro quo" Source: FBI Document Release Oct. 14, 2016 -->
- Corruption for Hillary:
State Department Undersecretary Patrick Kennedy asked FBI to Cover Hillary's Ass/Bribe-"Quid pro quo" Source: FBI Document Release Oct. 14, 2016 -->
- Link: Politico Story
- Big Media Bought Clinton:
Politico Article Detailing MegaMillions Donated to the Clinton Foundation by MegaMedia Such As NBC Universal, News Corp., Turner Broadcasting (Time Warner), Reuters, G. Stephanopoulos, Comcast, Viacom, Carlos Slim (NYT Honcho), James Murdoch, Judy Woodruff (PBS), etc., etc., the "Who's Who in Media Corruption List" Simply Goes On and On and On... -->
- Link: Source: "Politico Article Details How the Media/Clinton Sucked Ass"
- DNC Dirty Tricks:
5/18/2016 Email: Democratic National Committee (DNC) Conspires to Fabricate Lies about Trump, and Pass off to Reuters News Agency, "...we pretend that Trump just said a really offensive thing and then the process of clipping video and getting a release out the door..." -->
- Link: Source: ""
The United States of America Against - Jeremy Hammond
VIEW Exclusive
by OVView
"Secrecy, being an instrument of conspiracy, ought never to be the system of a regular government."
~ Jeremy Bentham
Feb. 2013: There are people whoare born into this world, and live out their lives in an uncomplicated fashion. They accept without question what they are told to do, and are untroubled that someone or some "thing" may be nudging them along the path of universal conformity. Then there are others who are aware they are being steered away from the road less traveled, but feel powerless to challenge their predetermined fate. Those people have made pharmaceutical companies and religious institutions the behemoths that they are: a certain yin/yang relationship, one might say.
And then there are those who are born with eyes wide open. Instinctually they are onto the system from the outset, and will begin to rebel at its initial attempt to encapture them in its bony claw. They are smarter, innately, and more creative thinkers than those who seek to tame them, into which quite a lot of effort is invested. The psychological labels come fast and furiously as the diagnostic community is summoned like the cavalry. The alarm bells sound because these unique individuals are, quite simply, a danger to the status quo, and throughout the history of our civilization, preservation of the status quo by those who have established it has always been of paramount importance, no matter what the cost, to humanity and to our very souls. What is heartbreaking about this group of "misfits" is their collective loneliness and perplexity; the desire that burns within them to be understood and accepted for who they are, and the prodigious gifts they know they have to offer. That is their vulnerability, and it often manifests as a certain amount of misplaced trust and naivety - which can and does lead to disastrous consequences.
I know these people. And I have witnessed first-hand their persecution, not for daring to be different, because their differences are not a matter of choice. Being different is their essence. What has made it particularly gut wrenching is how easily they could, and should be embraced and nurtured for the talents they have to offer. But alas it is human nature to vilify that which it does not understand.
I am not going to delve into the legal complexities of the ongoing war the United States government is waging against Jeremy Hammond, 27 years old with an IQ measured at 168.(Source: Janet Reitman, Rolling Stone Magazine, December 7, 2012. -OVView
RIP Aaron Swartz, 1/11/2013
VIEW Exclusive
by OVView
Jan. 2013: "Aaron Swartz helped create the Internet," CNN declared shortly after his death at the age of 26 on January 11, 2013. It was a tribute to a child prodigy who co-created RSS at the age of 14; originally Rich Site Summary, now Really Simple Syndication - RSS is a Web-publishing technology for delivering syndicated content from frequently updated sites, such as blogs or news websites. RSS allows Web consumers to receive the latest stories on a feed without having to constantly revisit their favorite pages.
"If you subscribe to a podcast - or receive automatic updates from - you have Swartz to thank," reported CNN. Aaron, who.... continue reading...
The Slippery Slope? BigTime L.A. Developers are proposing a 240 unit (20 units per acre) two story development complex across from Nordhoff High School.
This is coming before the Ojai City Council Feb. 20th, 6pm.
Is this what we want for "bucolic" Ojai?
Thurs. Jan. 31: YET ANOTHER Ventura Star Free Press Significant Screw Up Today. They falsely reported that the Tues. Jan. 29 Casitas Municipal Water District's (CMWD) Affirmative and Unanimous VOTE to Buy out Golden State Water (CORPORATE CROOKED) Co. Through Democratic VOTE would COST SIX (6) TIMES the necessary BOND, than the Actual Amount..... WRONG!!! Another all-too-often NO FACT CHECKING problem by the CORPORATE MAINSTREAM MEDIA or an inconvenient untruth to help out a brother CROOKED CORPORATION (Golden State Water Co.) and their corrupt (took GSW campaign contributions) buddy, failed Republican Senator Tony Strickland..... Keep Smiling; MORE info; GOLDEN STATE WATER Co. CORPORATE RIPOFF REPORT
The National Campaign to End Corporate Personhood and Demand Democracy!
We the People, Not We the Corporations Defend the personal right to speak out
Jan. 20, 2012, This week, Move to Amend and more than 60 organizations representing millions of activists around the country are working to harness the grassroots power of the vast majority of Americans who believe corporations have too much power.
For the second anniversary of the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling, thousands of Americans will come together in mass protest against corporate rule in this country. On Friday, Jan. 20, 130 Cities (and still counting) are holding rallies to participate in Occupy the Courts - a one-day protest at federal courthouses across the United States - including the US Supreme Court. Join an Occupy the Courts action near you. Many events will take place across the country on Saturday as well and in Ojai's Libbey Park. We will stand up for the rights of human beings over corporations. We will stand up for democracy and a government of the people, by the people, for the people. And we will show that the Movement to Amend is growing in size and commitment and that we will make real the promise of American democracy. Please join us! Ben Manski, David Cobb, George Friday, Jerome Scott, Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, Laura Bonham, Lisa Graves, and Nancy Price Move to Amend Executive Committee
Corporations and Banks Rewarded for Bad Behavior with Bailouts and Big Salary Bonuses? Noone, Including Government Honchos Are Taking Pay Cuts?
EXCLUSIVE: "Many people suffering from phobias attempt to pursue the course of greatest safety being preoccupied with security...."phobias... PG 3
Tell it to Pfc. Bradley Manning...
"It is absolutely the responsibility of every U.S. service member, if they see inhumane treatment being conducted, to try to stop it."
- General Peter Pace, U.S. Military Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Do You Suffer From Napoleon Complex?
Everybody equal before the law? Napoleon did a few things in 1801....
- women, banned from protesting, were not allowed to independently trade in chattels or property, but had to ask their husbands before they did so. - tightened divorce laws and fathers were empowered as rulers of their homes.
"Napoleon in his Study" by artist Paul DeLaroche
They could ban children from inheritance and also imprison children for a month.
- Napoleon cracked down on the press, censoring newspapers and eventually closing down all but a few. "If I were to give liberty to the press, my power could not last three days."
Business As Usual....making up the law along the way...Only in Ojai... Did a Lil' California Town rewrite Cal. State Law to Save a Bankster's Political hide?Is California State Law Just a Joke? Can Anyone Truly Answer the Question: How Many City Council Members Does Ojai Have at This Very Moment? Did the Constituents Deserve to Know? The State of California Thinks so... the Ojai council does not! Wacky "Nonsensical" legal opinion by Ojai's Mr. Lee??? Could it have been different?pdf Link: How Ojai Didn't Communicate
OJAI: Fri. Jan. 6, 6pm:BREAKING NEWS ~ Citizen Sue? You heard it here First... Ojai City Councilperson Sue "The Queen" Horgan is NO LONGER A COUNCIL PERSON.....
"California Government Code Section 36513: (a) If a city councilmember is absent without permission from all regular city council meetings for 60 days consecutively from the last regular meeting he or she attended, his or her office becomes vacant and shall be filled as any other vacancy. (b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), if a city council meets monthly or less frequently than monthly and a city councilmember is absent without permission from all regular city council meetings for 70 days consecutively from the last regular meeting he or she attended, his or her office becomes vacant and shall be filled as any other vacancy." Source:Calfornia Government Code Section 36513Additional: According to CalJur, the seat seems to be vacant. Source: WestlawNext - Section 389. Vacancies - Effect of unauthorized absence
"When a thing is new, people say, 'It is not true.' Later, when its truth becomes obvious, they say, 'It is not important."
Finally, when its importance cannot be denied, they say, 'Anyway, it is not new.'
~ William James
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Golden State SLAMMED: CPUC Commission Business Voting Meeting - December 15, 2011 CPUC Meeting 12/15/11 Video
VIEW #38 (pg 4): Golden State Water Co.
(GSWC) confessed to knowingly gouging Ojai Ratepayers in a June 29, 2011 Settlement by the State Division of Water and Audits (DWA). The state agency regulates the privately held water company and perhaps the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) oversight. The settlement cannot be appealed.
The DWA found that GSWC senior management knew about violations in their own competitive bidding process which resulted in higher than normal bid costs which were then passed downstream to the ratepayers..... Continue Reading Article Online Ojai and Ventura VIEW/July 2011-#38, PG 2 VIEW/July 2011-#38
NEWS TRASH 7/25/11:Ole news.... Well here it is. It is posted on GSW website. GSW is applying for a 14.7% increase in 2012, 4.3% in 2013, and 4.6% in 2014. Of course this is on top of the 3.1% per year already request for cost of captial making the total hit over 3 years of 26.7%.
Code Enforcement, Government Picking On Those Least Able to Defend Themselves, senior crackdown: LINK: June Issue No. 15, Pg. 7)..... the City of Ventura has targeted Ventura's Senior Citizen's as a bail due to their risky bad investments - Bears-StearnsIncompetent Investments lost (noted here in a detailed financial analysis, April 2008, page 4 -> April, 2008 Issue: Vol. 1 Issue 1) also Ventura's Code Enforcement SCAM
Water Wars
Why Would Anyone In Their right mindBUYREALESTATE in "The Ojai" Click LINK Here -->
"THAT Newspaper!" ~ Ojai real estate agent
End the Golden State Water Iron Grip on Ojai's Checkbook... Sign the Petition at Ojai House, 304 N. Montgomery St., Ojai...
How do you like PAYING Your Golden State Water BILL, Folks ? Is everything cool with you? What do our local media moguls think of the STATE OF OJAI? Read on... "We like this place pretty much the way it is" - Brett Bradigan, (sed May 2011) fired Ojai Valley News (OVN) editor
NOTE: Mr. Bradigan, after his stint at the OVN, is now owner/operator of the fledgling and glossy marketing handout, the "Ojai Quarterly," and has taken money from Golden State Water for institutional "P.R." Advertising. The "handout" appears as a tourist-targeted promovehicle with many Paid real estate advertisements. THE VIEW wonders if, in the event said uninformed tourists decide to purchase a home, settle down in Ojai.... Will realtors have to DISCLOSE the current and coming... (glossy) HIGHWATERRATES? What is the face of real estate going to look like when "locals" let their LAWNS go BROWN? How will they know about Golden State's(glossy) HIGH RATES, by reading the "Quarterly" ?
Are You Seeing RED ?The Art of cultivating complacency... How Does Ojai Like its Golden State Water Bill?Jan. 1st, a 26.2% RATE INCREASE arrived.... for Golden State Stockholders this means moreRECORD PROFITS & DIVIDENDS! For Ojai citizens this means they still have aleaky, expensive city water system and a GROWING BILL... Get Ready to celebrate... becauseRATE INCREASESSTARTED JAN. 1ST/NEW YEAR'S DAY!Details, Issue 31, Dick Lynch, Page 2
Gabby Theater Critic
Gabby Critique
Gabby Critique: Tired of paying for Theater Tickets to Watch lukewarm Productions? Has the Ojai Art Center
(ACT) become too "Pro"... too "Slick"... too "Big City" often featuring mediocre out-of-town actors in third rate productions.... Has the Ojai Art Center (ACT) been hijacked by turgid out-of-town third rate "pros" only interested in their "Profit" margin? Has the Ojai Art Center lost its' "Community Theater" spirit, seein' Ojaians as hillbillies... have the "Directors" become not very nurturing of true 'local' talent? Afraid to speak out? Comments?
"The most effectual engines for [pacifying a nation] are the public papers... [A despotic] government always [keeps] a kind of standing army of newswriters who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like truth, [invent] and put into the papers whatever might serve the ministers. This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper."
- Thomas Jefferson to G. K. van Hogendorp Oct. 13, 1785
Non Profit Fun for The Family
VIEW EXCLUSIVE: Jan 2011/Issue #32:
Who Killed Ojai's Treasured Libbey Park Palms?
In the process of gathering information for this story, several members of the community contacted the writer and/or associates in an effort to stop publication.
by Mary M. Long
The axe has fallen on the 21 mature Canary Island Palms which once graced and shaded the west barranca of Libbey Park. Where were the protests? Where were the activists clinging to the doomed tree trunks?Click Here to VIEW the Full Story
NOTE: The California Architects Board was created in 1901 by the California Legislature to fulfill the mission of protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public through the regulation of the practice of architecture in California. It is one of numerous boards, bureaus, commissions, and committees within the Department of Consumer Affairs responsible for consumer protection and the regulation of licensed professionals. The Board establishes regulations for examination and licensing of the profession of architecture in California, which today numbers approximately 22,000 licensed architects and approximately 11,000 candidates who are in the process of meeting examination and licensure requirements. More info. Sheldon Have a Clue ?
- by R.Ellis Smith
I recently received an e-mail from Mr. Jim Fry, General Contractor relating a story about a contract he entered into with Mr. Sheldon Brown owner and editor of the Ventura Breeze, ('the only local newspaper'). Mr. Brown had been running a classified ad in his own newspaper looking for part time work as an "Architect" wanting to do remodels or additions.
It seems Mr. Jim Fry, a general contractor, had a remodel job for a church at 333 W. Seventh Street in Oxnard and entered into a written contract on 11/13/2008 with Mr. Sheldon Brown to do all of the plans and drawings for the remodel project. The cost Mr. Brown quoted was to have been $9,600.00 for the entire job and take 3 to 4 weeks. As the project progressed, Mr. Brown presented his drawings/plans to the plan check department of the city of Oxnard to a Mr. Steve Newman of the plan check department and was advised that his plans did not meet the cities code requirements, not once, not twice, but a total of four times.
I talked to Mr. Newman of the Oxnard plan check department and he related that he had tried to help Mr. Brown by pointing out the discrepancies that needed to be fixed and, each time Mr. Brown returned with the plans, the problems had not been attended to. During the time, from 11/2008 to 7/2009 Mr. Brown was paid not only the $9,600.00 but also a mistaken overage of $1,550.00 plus an extra charge, Mr. Brown said, was needed of $1,235.00. Mr. Fry has been in contact with Mr. Brown; because the contract was never finished he has asked Mr. Brown for a refund of the $1,550.00 plus the $3,500.00 for the final set of plans that were never approved.
On July 28, 2009 Mr. Sheldon Brown e-mailed Mr. Fry and in no uncertain terms told him that he would "prepare a long response in a few days but I have no intentions of returning any money." Mr. Fry is still waiting for the aforementioned "long response". Mr. Fry has now had to hire another Architect to do the job because the Church is unable to use their building because of lack of restrooms and other problems that would have been alleviated if Mr. Brown had finished his contracted job as he told Mr. Fry he would
Since I received this information from Mr. Fry, I contacted Mr. Steve Newman of the city of Oxnard for confirmation which I received. I contacted the Oxnard business license department and was told that Mr. Brown's city business license has been inactive since 2003, and I have contacted Mr. Sheldon Brown by email twice asking for his input on this story. As of this writing I have not received any reply from Mr. Brown.
Rellis Smith
EDITOR'S NOTE:The VIEW has still not received a response from Mr. Brown on this.
Crooked Media Sheldon Brown Busted For Ripping Off The Ojai & Ventura VIEW
-- -- For Theft of The Ojai and Ventura VIEW
October 17th, 8:11PM, Saturday SHELDON'S Theft Video INCIDENT... Shifty Character... Waaaaa?
Crime:Theft and Destruction of Ojai and Ventura VIEW papers Location:Ventura, 400 Block East Main Street, Zander Building Suspect:Elderly Gentleman identified by witnesses as Sheldon Brown, publisher/editor, Ventura Breeze Immortalized by Zander Building Security Tape Watch the Video...and Decide for Yourself ~
Scene 1/Camera1:The Theft - 8:11PM Suspect seen wandering into hallway, removes stack of the VIEW from designated spot on private display case, (owned by Carlson Jewelers). Suspect folds and tucks stack of VIEW under his right arm. Suspect observes eyewitness, then approaches table (antique washing machine) where the Breeze is displayed, furtively looks over shoulder, shuffles copies of the Breeze, leaves stack of the VIEW on washing machine. Wanders length of hall with hands in pockets, until eyewitness disappears in doorway, then hangs a U-turn and removes his hands from pockets as he approaches wash stand. Suspect picks up stack of the VIEW from washing machine and again tucks them under right arm, picks up stack of the Breeze in his left hand and carries both toward exit, depositing Breeze on Carlson's display case, in the spot designated for the VIEW. Exits building, turns left under cover of darkness of night with VIEW under arm. Epilogue:Eyewitness finds stack of approximately 70 copies of the Sept. and Oct., 2009 Issues of The Ojai and Ventura VIEW in city trash receptacle outside. California Law, (Bill AB 2612), designates the theft of free newspapers as a misdemeanor, establishes fines for stealing newspapers and possible jail time for second offenders. The bill was signed into law in 2006 by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. The law made legislative findings regarding the importance of free newspapers and that the unauthorized taking of such newspapers to be detrimental to the public interest. This activity interferes with First Amendment rights by "(3) Depriving the public of the opportunity to read or enjoy the newspaper, and (4) Harms a business competitor."
The Ojai and Ventura VIEW is offering a Reward to anyone else providing electronic/photographic evidence of the Theft or Destruction of VIEW papers. Ron Rowe and Mary Long will personally present a bottle of hand-picked Charles Shaw Cabernet or Merlot. For More information stay tuned! When the public's access to information is restricted or censored, the public suffers. When an individual, or government, or other media source or media/government cohort seeks to restrict the Press and First Amendment right to Free Speech, the public suffers. When this is done in the midst of an election, the voting public and ultimately our democratic and free way of life suffers. With the U.S. in such recent dire straits, the free discussion of ideas now more than ever, is necessary to provide a way out. - Joel Anderson, editor, VIEW The Faux-Media and the Damage Done...
The Wild,Wacky and Zany World of Ivory Tower Boy Sheldon Brown and the Ventura Breeze.... Sheldon Cited by the Ventura P.D........
Why indeed...did Sheldon Brown advocate Theft and in fact thieve The VIEW with his own two hands? SEE --->VIEW, Issue 17/Aug. '09, Page 5 Perhaps because the VIEW exposed Brown, who ripped off a Church in Oxnard.....? Sheldon failed to perform a contract.... according to a Ventura County Judge (see VIEW, Issue 26/May. '10, Page 18)... Find Out How the L.A. transplant, Ventura Breeze/Publishing/Building contractor "L.A. Sheldon Brown" picked the pockets of a trustingOxnard Church, (VIEW, Issue #17/Aug. 09, Pg 5) Churches No Longer Safe in Vta. County ~ "...I have no intentions of returning any money." - said Sheldon 'A Million Excuses' Brown, Is "Lil' L.A." Sheldon Beyond Reproach? Would you be willing to allow Sheldon to pick your pocket??? Do You Feel Sorry for Sheldon yet ?
"I don't want to talk about it right now, really..." - Former Ventura Breeze Ad Rep. SEE ALSO MEDIA VIEW
Media View
ole Mayor Joe Cares About Vets
In Salute of our many Veterans...
...without which our enjoyed freedoms would not be possible, the VIEW pays honor to our men and women in arms. Landis Potter and grandson, Jordan (lower left), and former city councilman-sometime patriot Joe DeVito with color guard (below right) at Libbey Bowl, May 26, 2008, Memorial Day.
Brian Faith Band, Listen to their great Music on YouTube, includes Clouds, Perfect Wave, Insense and Peppermints, I'm in Love, Havin' Fun, More... www.YouTube/user/brianfaithbandsongs
Internal Revenue Service Code "Political Campaign Intervention
- Public charities are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) a candidate for public office Contributions to political campaign funds or public statements of position made on behalf of the organization in favor of or in opposition to any candidate for public office clearly violate the prohibition against political campaign activity. Violation of this prohibition may result in revocation of tax-exempt status and/or imposition of certain excise taxes.... voter education or registration activities with evidence of bias that would favor one candidate over another, oppose a candidate in some manner, or have the effect of favoring a candidate or group of candidates, will constitute campaign intervention." Source:Internal Revenue Service Compliance Guide for 501(c)(3) Public Charities
Hillary Clinton's PAS (Political Action Scam) for Washington
by Peter Milhado, P.H.D. Looking at newspapers and television one has to wonder whether the world isn't lost in some collective slam dance. People racing around frantically going nowhere. At bottom, this madness has been promoted by corporate and patriarchal cultures. Never have we been so cut off from our intuitive insights and wisdom. Wounded by a society that has devalued the worth of the feminine too long, women, in the last 50 years, have lodged the strongest assertion and rebellion against the dominant patriarchal principle in history. No longer is it acceptable for men to define what women can and cannot do and unconsciously project and impose what femininity is. "The danger is that the feminine principle of relatedness and love succumbs to calculating intellectual ambition." Both men and women have suffered in this era of transition regarding the traditional masculine and feminine roles. In this article I want to address a particular kind of woman who has suffered, especially in these times of tremendous change. Psychologist Linda Leonard refers to her as the 'Armored Amazon', who identifies too much with the masculine principle at great expense to her feminine nature. "The Armored Amazon builds up her masculine ego identity through being in control, through achievement, fighting... perhaps as a mother who runs the family with an iron fist. She attempts to rule from a power complex." In one way this makes sense, because in order to succeed in our patriarchal society one often has to wear a strong and powerful armor. This armor is frequently helpful in business and the professions, however for some women the armor also shields them from their own feminine feelings and their tenderness. The danger is that the feminine principle of relatednes and love succumbs to calculating intellectual ambition. Eventually a woman can lose her spontaneity and vitality, become alienated from her own creativity and from a healthy relationships with men. The Armored Amazon builds up her masculine ego identity through being in control, through achievement, fighting for a cause or perhaps as a mother who runs the family with an iron fist. She attempts to rule from a power complex. Jungian analyst Marion Woodman tells us that women have proven beyond question they are equal and sometimes better than men: excellent doctors, mechanics, journalists, business consultants. But they are also, in many cases, unhappy women. To the outside, these women appear strong and confident, but inside is often total exhaustion, terror, an injured self, rage, and the 'great loneliness'. The masculine protective shell turns out to be an armor against fear of rejection, abandonment, vulnerability and weakness. The chief sign of the pursuit of perfection is obsession. When the daily routine is completed chaos breaks out. Will power can only last so long and here come the addictions: food, alcohol, constant cleaning, compulsive exercise, etc. It is a fatal error for any woman when masculinity burns out her femininity. On the other hand there are some women who are dutiful and become enslaved to the 'patriarchal system' or dependant upon the masculine principle. They express their rage covertly by withholding sex, having a retaliatory affair, charge up their husband's credit cards, become depressed, sick or hypochondriacal. So how does the 'Armoured Amazon' heal? Well it certainly isn't on the treadmill of blame, which locks a woman forever into the role of passive prisoner and helpless victim. First of all, the Armored Amazon has to become conscious and cop to the fact that she is wearing a masculine armor, which keeps her from vulnerability, softness and her feminine center. "...she has to cop to her power and control issues, perfectionism, coldness, cruelty, relentless ambition... Anger has to be expressed in a related fashion, not covertly or through steam rolling others." It's okay to wear a masculine identity to be successful in business, but you can't let it dominate on a date, or friendships or intimacy. Only consciousness allows a woman to put on or take off the masculine persona. The Armored Amazon has to stop running around in frantic activity, sit still, be quiet and listen inwardly to intuitions, feelings, nighttime dreams and fantasies. A vision for her future will eventually surface. She has to take risks in intimacy (in-to-me-see) and slowly reveal her true self, including vulnerability, weakness, loneliness and express her true needs, which is quite frightening at first. She has to do "Shadow Work" and cop to her power and control issues, perfectionism, coldness, cruelty, relentless ambition, etc. Anger has to be expressed in a related fashion, not covertly or through steam rolling others. She can no longer sacrifice love to power. Often, the Armored Amazon has a negative relationship with her personal mother. This causes her to frequently have painful relationships with other women. The negative mother archetype in her psyche must be transformed into a loving connection with the Great Universal Mother. Sometimes therapy carries the energies of the Great Mother until she can be internalized. The Armored Amazon needs to cry - not the tears that harden into aggressive icicles, they are not redemptive, because they keep the woman frozen in bitter resentment (Linda Leonard). Not the flooding tears that wash out the ground underneath in moroseness and self-pity. She needs to simply let down and cry - the soft, transforming tears that allow feelings to show, and promote growth and re-birth. She needs to learn that her strength comes primarily from her feminine core not the masculine armor. When she imitates the patriarchal masculine, she devalues the feminine by accepting the masculine as superior. The goal-oriented, rationalistic masculine principle has to be balanced by related, loving and creative femininity. "Don't Tell Me Who I am... Let me guess !"
One for all and all for one. Love to Mother Meera
Lic #MFT14142
40 Years Experience - (805) 640-1810
Financials:Is There Going to be a Federal Investigation into Ojai bookeeping or is it all perfectly fine? click to read info/report
bat? Money SCAM?
follow the $$$ with
Ojai's elephant in the
school board room
The Ojai and Ventura VIEW The Gold Coast's Only Independent Locally Informed and Politically Incorrect Paper!
Letter - 1/12/2013
Ojai FLOW Endorsement
- Sonia Nordenson, Ojai
I've just read a press release from the San Lorenzo Valley Water District about a retirement party for Fred McPherson, who happens to be the brother of Ojai FLOW's Pat McPherson. The announcement credits Fred for his participation on the Board of the San Lorenzo Valley Water District when they acquired the Felton water system from California-American Water in 2008. Pat McPherson, a marketing specialist and community volunteer, has no doubt received good insights from his brother about that successful acquisition, insights now helping him to co-lead the efforts of Ojai FLOW (Friends of Locally Owned Water) to buy the Golden State Water operations here in Ojai.
Along with many others who are forced to pay the inflated Golden State rates, I support Ojai FLOW and the well-qualified people heading up the group's efforts. Richard Hajas, who wrote the excellent Ojai FLOW feasibility study, is a water expert, having worked for Casitas and served as general manager of another municipal water district in southern Ventura County. Stan Greene was the head of the Citizens to Preserve the Ojai, is on the Board of the Ojai Valley Sanitary District, and knows the ins and out of government agencies. Bob Daddi is a local insurance agent who was one of the driving forces that got the Ojai Skate Park built. Dale Hanson has been a longtime board member of the of the Ojai Valley Board of Realtors and knows the business community. Lou Torres is a local CPA and has been the Chief Financial Officer for Rotary West's nonprofit organization, and Ryan Blatz is an attorney who grew up here in Ojai, knows where to get information, and is gifted at presenting it. I'm grateful to the Ojai FLOW steering committee and all the informed citizens of Ojai for standing up to buy Golden State. I trust my neighbors to have my interests in mind more than do the distant Golden State Water Company executives or their front organization, the California Alliance to Protect Private Property Rights. I look forward to the day whento Casitas giving the go-ahead for us ratepayers to I can vote vote YES for us to form our own water district on a bond to buy and upgrade the Golden State system operationsin Ojai. The bond (payable only by us former GSW ratepayers) will pay for itself in the savings derived from our much lower Casitas water rates. Sonia Nordenson, Ojai
As Summer fast approaches, remember as you thirst for most ice cream, if you choose to eat it..... you are doing your part to preserve your body for posterity ~ Link: formaldehyde in ice cream
VIEW Public Service Announcement
NOTE: "Two reports out claim that some hair products, including those used in the popular "Brazilian Keratin" treatment, include formaldehyde, a chemical the Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] considers a carcinogen. Michelle Miller reports." ~ Source: CBS Video
We Reserve the right to detect, inspect,
categorize, edit, refuse, return,
or reject any advertorials!
Brian Faith Band, Listen to their great Music on YouTube, includes Clouds, Perfect Wave, Insense and Peppermints, I'm in Love, Havin' Fun, More... www.YouTube/user/brianfaithbandsongs
Support the Revolution !
"The U.S. and its Western allies are sure to do whatever they can to prevent authentic democracy in the Arab world" because "if [middle east] public opinion were to influence policy, the U.S. not only would not control the region, but would be expelled from it."
WE ALL know the internal combustion engine pollutes, but... With the corporate engineered demise of the Unions in the late 60s/early 70s... oursourced manufacturing, murder of fighters like JFK, RFK, MLK, etc., Truck Drivers tried to be independent. Now with govt/lobby engineered laws shutting down of the small truck driver with impossible regulations, an open southern door for cheap wage mexican truck drivers in the U.S., tax breaks for the big corporate truck driving outfits.... yet another vestige of American Independence is dying out...... What Independent Spirit are you trying to keep alive in your life? How long do you think before the "Big Guys" shut you down? Just remember next time you look down your high and mighty nose at a working class stiff.... It's these Working class folks who built this country, the 99%, Now they're getting shoved down..... Food for thought ~ VIEW, Editor
what gave you the impression that someday war might actually end?
"In the councils of government, we must guard against the aquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-inductrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Presidential Farewell Speech, 1961
NUKE Coverup
Too Many Nuke Plants Worldwide and too many stockholders that won't give up their meal ticket....
Three-Eyed Blinky
the Fission Hole
Mr. Burns sez...
"I'm here to talk to you about my little friend here, Blinky. Many of you consider it to be a hideous genetic mutation. Well, nothing could be further from the truth.... The truth is, this fish is a miracle of nature, with a taste that can't be beat."
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
Surf's Up ? The So. Cal. Edison (SCE) San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant, near San Clemente,Ca. sits precariously, with just a small incidental sea wall, against the Pacific Ocean. NO NUKES !
war and destruction is corporate BIG BUSINESS. corporate BIG BUSINESS is to an overlarge extent the making of war.
It Takes an Army
"Keeping Armies of Newswriters Who, Withoout Regard to Truth.... Invent What Serves The Politicians"
"The most effectual engines for [pacifying a nation] are the public papers... [A despotic] government always [keeps] a kind of standing army of newswriters who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like truth, [invent] and put into the papers whatever might serve the ministers. This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper."
- Thomas Jefferson to G. K. van Hogendorp Oct. 13, 1785
Euro Bank Meltdown
BANKERS GONE WILD~High Interest Loans Is the World Bank trying to put the world into financial servitude? Was Strauss-Kahn set up by those more powerful, or just careless? Also, BANK THEFT: As Greece is hammered into a corner by old Euro money interests, will European Bankers wind up Owning fine 'public' Greek Antiquities? The Parthenon, Temple of Apollo, The Acropolis...? It's Simple Really... GREEDY EURO BANKS
"The mission of the European Central Bank is to provoke a financial crisis. The purpose of the crisis will be, as Prodi, then Commission president, said in 2002, to allow the EU to take more power for itself.
The sacrificial victims will be, in the first instance, local banks and investors in countries such as Ireland and Club Med. Subsequently, Germany and British taxpayers will bear the burden of bailouts that a newly empowered EU economic government will ordain."
- Bernard Connolly, British economist, former member of the European Commission, who authored, "The Rotten Heart of Europe", 2008
is journalism worthless?
Looting the City Kitty and Election Fraud?
Financials:Is There Going to be a Federal Investigation into Ojai bookeeping or is it all perfectly fine?
Ojai General Election Fraud Public Statement/Ojai City Council 12/14/10: Nov/Dec 2010/Issue #31: Democracy Cracking Up- by Jerry Kaplan, elected MAC Rep to the city council
My name is Jerry Kaplan and I live [in]...Ojai. As you all know, I am not a resident of the incorporated area of the Ojai Valley (The City), but am somehow involved in most everything Ojai. Thank you once again for the opportunity of speaking with you. I believe that this subject relates to the basic thoughts of what it is to be an American. The rights we Americans have goes back to the Revolution, the
June/2009: from Ojai and Ventura VIEW, Issue #15 by Joel Anderson Editor's Note: Ojai needs to avoid massive costly mistakes such as those made by Disney Concert Hall. Disney incurred some $110 Million in overages due to defective acoustical and aesthetic design in the original planning, engineering and design. Internationally respected and Grammy Award Winning Acoustician and Sound Designer Fred Vogler was elected to oversee the acoustical redesign. Vogler, who is Acoustician, Head Lead mixer and Sound Designer for both the Hollywood Bowl, and the Disney Concert Hall is considered one of the top sound engineers in the world. Vogler was sound engineer for the Ojai Music Festival under Pierre Boulez in 1996, and is familiar with the acoustic issues of Ojai's Libbey Bowl. He also participated in the $18 million rebuild of the (acoustically similar) Hollywood Bowl, completed in 2004. Vogler said he hopes Ojai's Libbey Bowl rebuild is successful, and would like to be contacted as he has a personal interest in the bowl being suited to the LA Philharmonic and other world class musicians and touring groups. In addition to his extensive classical sound engineering, Vogler has also sound engineered live rock acts and LPs for The Rolling Stones, The Who, Rod Stewart, Simon and Garfunkle, multitude motion picture sound tracks, etc. etc. The VIEW contacted former Ojai Mayor and Architect David Bury last August with Vogler's name. Vogler has not been contacted by the City of Ojai or Bury.
"I participated with the group of consultants for the new Hollywood Bowl sound system. Because of the historic significance of the Hollywood Bowl, like Libbey Bowl, a lot of people were worried about rebuilding that.
If the Ojai City Council is really serious about rebuilding the Libbey Bowl, they have to start by consulting with people in the L.A. Philharmonic... or people within the industry who can provide a skill level and experience... There's only about half a dozen across the United States who are qualified. They absolutely need to hire a sound designer and an acoustician. I think it's crazy to go into designing a venue without getting advice from these people.
The architect doesn't have to know sound, but they need to bring in a team of sound engineers who can advise them. I have colleagues who have banded together to consult for that purpose. There's a lot of incompetence out there... you need to get a good sound engineer on board and a good acoustician and the city will not only save a lot of money, but avoid costly mistakes. You want someone who's had a lot of experience with live sound.
"There's certain needs that are specific to live concerts. In a live show there's no stopping and going back and fixing it. All these moving parts have to be choreographed so that there's not chaos but there's a fantastic show. At the end of the day, you have to connect that performer with the audience and all the technology has to get out of the way of that connection.... It's a tough gig. It requires making decisions on the fly and having the tools at hand to deal with what can happen. It usually takes about 10 to 15 years of dealing with this to get a pretty solid perspective.... There are plenty of really talented people who do it and there's plenty of incompetence, too.
"People refer to Ojai as kind of an upscale artistic community, so there's a really high expectation level for Ojai to produce quality. It has to be done right. You don't want some schlocky distorted amplification system," said Vogler.
Public discussion of the sound engineering of the Ojai Libbey Bowl rebuild has been sparse to non-existent. Instead, public sentiment has been primarily focused on maintaining the aesthetic, historical and architectural qualities of Libbey Bowl.
Last year, Libbey Bowl's rebuild costs were estimated upwards $3.5 million. [Ed. Note: As of May, 2011, Costs have spiraled to approx. $5 million]
To date, the City of Ojai has allocated some $1 million, $500,000 of which funded March 12, 2008 for the now completed conceptual design.
Additional funding, the Ojai Civic Association, donation; $100,000, and a large commitment of $1 million from the Ojai Music Festival (OMF).
With the recent economic climate, it is unclear where the additional $1 to $1.5 Million is coming from. Fundraising efforts are underway.
Joel Anderson, editor
more info.
Non Profit Fun for The Family
Ojai Trivia:Which Ojai Non-'Profit' pays their Director $110,000 per year ? Send your letters
What a World Are Citizens Merely Tagged Ticket Revenue Generators?
Small Townie - 2008 Ojai City Revenue Watch - Ojai Getting too BIG CITY?
Ojai citizens be warned... Ojai's parking mini-truck ticketmeisters are patrolling the lazy backstreets of Ojai (Eucalyptus Street)... ticketing cars for minor parking infractions. Just witnessed a plumber getting a ticket for parking 'backwards' to unload tools/materials. As if the trades in this economy aren't strapped enough??? Is the city really that desperate for revenue?
VIEW EXCLUSIVE: Nov/Dec 2010/Issue #31: Part I & II: Climate Change Denial Tightens Its Grip on Washington, DC -by Alasdair Coyne
The Center for American Progress Action Fund recently revealed that oil, coal and utility companies have together spent $500 million since early 2009 to lobby against climate change legislation - and to defeat the candidates who supported it.Click Here to VIEW the Full Story
VIEW EXCLUSIVE: Nov/Dec 2010/Issue #31: 'Insulin is your friend...'Not So Long Ago - by Mary-Jo Murphy
When a doctor makes the choice to prescribe insulin for your diabetes, you may feel like a failure, as if you are being punished. You are shocked at the prospect of self-injection and try to negotiate your way out of the process. "Can't I try another pill? I promise to lose weight, exercise, give up sweets forever?" Click Here to VIEW the Full Story
Homeless Rights
VIEW EXCLUSIVE: Nov/Dec 2010/Issue #31: Homeless Hopper - by Rennie Rue
Article 25(1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which the U.S. subscribes, states: "Everyone has the right to ... food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services." Either we as the public need to get creative in helping to meet this challenge... Click Here to VIEW the Full Story
The Show Must Go On
Ron Rowe's ~ Wine and Roses From The First Issue
(April. Issue 1 Online) In tribute to Jeff, "The Show Must Go On," and what better month - than April, a month for new beginnings, among the Romans. This month was sacred to Venus, "Spring," when birds do sing ! To quote "Tennyson" "Can trouble live with April day's, or sadness with the summer moon's." Spring madness continues here in Ojai. This weekend the town's parking spaces were full of bike racers, their families and watchers. Don't look for a quiet slow weekend, Earth Day is at hand, The Wheeler Gorge Bird Walk, and lots more exciting fun filled events. Music Festival, Golf, Tennis, etc.
Did you know, including 2007, seven of the eight warmest years on record, world-wide have occurred since 2001, the National Climate Center reported the ten warmest years have all occurred since 1997, still don't believe there's a global warming ! Speaking of climate change, a group of British scientists have studied the colors in over 500 paintings of sunsets, including "Turners" 19th century water colors and oils, in hopes of gaining insights into the cooling effects caused by volcanic eruptions. The vivid sunsets painted by Turner are revered for their use of color and light and for their influence on the impressionists. They will help scientists track global warming and climate change, by measuring the red and green in the paintings. The scientists aimed to calculate the amount of dust in the atmosphere, the greater the pollution, the redder the sunset, check out the journal "Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics," for more info. The Mortgage Banker's Association is having trouble with the new mortgage on its new Washington D.C. headquarters. Its lenders are demanding additional money down and its interest rates will be 1 percent higher than the association expected when it agreed to buy the building. -- shed a tear for the mortgage bankers. Ah well "That which grows fast wither's as rapidly and that which grows slow -- endures." The ban on smoking in bars has affected romance and flirting, the classic pick up line - "Do you have a light," has been retired, efforts to replace it have not been successful, "I have lost my phone number, can I borrow yours"? or "You know what would look great on you ? Me", are rather obnoxious - flirting has now moved outside the bar where smokers huddle together. A new pick up line is -- "Would you like to go back to my place for a smoke !" Speaking of love, a survey by "Princeton" has found that two thirds of middle class women and half of the men polled said they would marry for money, the average base price was $1.5 million. Sociologist Pamela Smock said - "I am shocked. It's against the notion of love and soul mates". Wise sayings, "People who have what they want are fond of telling people who haven't what they want, that they really don't want it." To politicians, "Be sincere, be brief, be seated." -- "If you can fake sincerity, you will be re-elected, advice to Prez Bush, "There is no instance in history of a nation benefiting from prolonged warfare." An Indian Holy man Yanagi Kondaian, 80, claimed his right leg had magical healing powers and anyone who touched it would have their wishes granted, alas thieves heard about the magic leg, they went to his Village, got him drunk and amputated the magic leg, police are baffled, Yanagi, is upset he said "why did this happen", I have always been good to people ! Why indeed. Americans bought more lap-tops in 2007 than faster desktop P.C. technology. Cheaper parts and widespread wireless helped push the shift, technician, Dae Spicer said --- "It's not a computer anymore. It's a companion, it's your memory, it's your teacher and your entertainer." Yes--- as long as it doesn't crash. Here comes the bride ! All dressed in white-two-ply-extra soft toilet paper, that's right, Jennifer Cannon of Lexington Kentucky was married in a public restroom, the brides gown consisted of Charmin Ultra-Soft Toilet Paper Fashioned with glue and tape, and well it takes all kinds in this funny world. Have any wine drinkers tried "The Wind Collar" ? It's a magnetic wine collar that improves the taste of wines, and wine critic and judge Anthony Dias Blue goes out of his way to Praise it. He claims "simply pooring a glass of wine with the collar in place has an immediate and salutary effect on the wine molecules, resulting in a smoother, softer and more balanced taste. It improves flavor and bouquet as you pour. Wow that means a two-buck-chuck-charles-shaw would taste like an estate bottled premium wine. Cost $34.25 call 800-622-5221 order - Wine Collar. Let me know your opinion. I would like to close with a tribute to Jeffrey San Marchi.
"Do not stand at my grave, and weep, I am not there. I do not sleep, I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glint on snow. I am the sunlight on refined grain, I am the gentle autumn rain, when you wake in the morning hush. I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet, birds circling in flight. I am the soft starlight at night. Do not stand at my grave and weep-I am not there-I do not sleep-I am." And so it is Namaste, Jeff. May the Peace of God which
Passeth understanding be with you. May God Bless You
and Keep you, may he give you Peace now and for evermore.
Comments welcome
- Ron Rowe, Ojai
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Rose Vol I, Issue I:Peter Milhado onAvoiding Spiritual Poverty and the Shopping Cart Syndrome Rose April, 2008 Issue 1:R.Ellis Speaks Out onVentura City Hall in: "One Hell of A Mess"Rose April, 2008 Issue 1:Ron Rowe'sLeashes End, and Wine and RosesMay, 2008, Issue 2:Also in this issue, read Alasdair Coyne's Global Warming Pt II, "An Emerging Spirit Of Global Cooperation Has The Potential To Unite The Peoples of the Earth as Never Before"Ojai City Council Votes toDemolish Libbey Bowl -- Will They Do It Right, or.......... Just Another Case of Political Cronyism? Watch the Video... and Decide for Yourself, Watch the Libbey Bowl Vote: Video Click Here On YouTube/OVVtaRose
OJAI Film Society Screening:The Guard Jan. 22/Ireland, 2011, runs 1 hr., 36 min. Rated R Ojai Playhouse, 145 E Ojai Ave.
Remember "In Bruges," the acclaimed 2008 crime/comedy written and directed by gifted Irish playwright Martin McDonagh? Get ready for The Guard, a crime/comedy/fish-out-of-water tale set in Ireland.... Click Events/Calendar to Continue Reading.....
- CNN: Originally founded and owned by Ted Turner, was Considered Interesting and Dynamic at that time, until the 1996 takeover by Time Warner, Inc., which now owns it. Board of Directors Also littered with the Powerful and Multi-Connected, Includes a former U.S. Attorney General (Under G.H.W. Bush), Powerful Top Banking Officials, Public Relations Execs, etc. etc. - Foreign Control/Owned New York Times: Founded in 1851, now hugely Foreign-owned and controlled by Carlos Slim (WikiLeaks definition) the largest shareholder of the Times. Slim is a Mexican Business-Media Magnate with an estimated net worth of $50 Billion US. From 2010 to 2013 Slim was ranked as the richest person in the world also by Forbes. In 2008 Slim took a 6.4% stake valued at $27 million in the troubled New York Times Company, as the global recession and declining advertising revenues took a particularly heavy toll on print-based "old media" companies across the U.S. Slim increased his stake to 8 percent by 2012. Slim's stake in the Times increased again to 16.8 percent on Jan. 20, 2015 when he exercised stock options to purchase 15.9 million shares, making him the largest shareholder in the company." Slim earned his fortune by gaining a stranglehold on the Mexican telecom industry so tight that the constitution had to be amended earlier this year to give other companies a chance. His net worth managed to grow following the new antitrust regulations, and he is now strengthening his hold over the Mexican banking sector." Source: - The Rigging of the New York Times:Slim has been criticized by Presidential Candidate Donald Trump and many others for Rigging and Influencing the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election with unbalanced, biased reporting. In internal Clinton Campaign Emails, righteously released by Wikileaks in Oct. 2016, it was found that the New York Times(along with the Washington Post and Politico) were/still/are? providing stories to top Clinton Campaign officials who were then allowed to tune them up with a final vetted edit, prior to publication, seriously compromising their legitimacy as the stories had been presented to the public as objective independent Journalistic pieces.Source: Wikileaks: - House of Rothschild: (who owns the banks and the U.S. Federal Reserve) bought Reuters news service in the 1800's. Within the last 20+ years, Reuters bought the Associated Press. Now the Elite own the two largest wire services in the world, where most newspapers get their news. The Rothschilds have control of all three U.S. Networks, plus other aspects of the recording and mass media industry according to research by Eustice Mullins in his book 'Who Owns the TV Networks'. Google more about the Rothschild family who financed Adam Weishaupt to create the Illuminati, an instrument to achieve a "One [Godless] Goverment" in Myron Fagans.
The Chains That Bind You: "When locally-based, family-owned newspapers.... were consolidated into publicly-owned newspaper chains, an essential dynamic, an essential trust between journalism and the communities served by that journalism was betrayed. Economically, the disconnect is now obvious. Where family ownership might have been content with 10 or 15 percent profit, the [out of town] chains demanded double that and more, and the cutting began..... fresh editors arrived from out of town.... they would be moving on to bigger and better opportunities. So much talent has been torn from newsrooms...." - David Simon (May 6, 2009-Speech before U.S. Senate)
Click Ojai Skate Park July, 2009: How Many Days Since the Planned... (but never delivered...), May 16, '09 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Ojai's Skate Park ? Are Ojai's Kids Ojai's Swiss Cheese ? Another Endless Bummer Summer... and Still No Ojai Skate Park... 12+ years & counting... Corrupt Government ? EXCLUSIVE: What Has Your School Board Done for YOU Lately ? Who's to blame ? Does Ojai Unified Hate Children or just Love Themselves too much ?: Find Out July, Issue 16 Online - FREE Here Why Ojai Unified Fires 51 Teachers, but their Bigtime Salaried Administrators Can't Take a Single PAY CUT ? Per Diem high salaries continued...
Why the Construction Never Began... (page 8-9) --> July, Issue 16 Online - FREE Here & Pt. 2 -> August, Issue 17 Online - FREE Here
Aug. 2008:Ojai Still No Skatepark....
Skateboard Legend Tells Ojai How It Is - Says,"Every Town Needs a Skate Park" (from Issue #5 August, 2008)
by Joel Anderson
I recently sat down with Jason Jessee and Jennifer to talk about Bikes, Cars, Skateboardin' and livin' under the grid in Ojai. I asked him what he thought of Ojai's forever 'temporary' Skate Park...
Ilived in Ojai for a year and I rode by the Ojai Skate Park on the way to the Santa Paula Park. I go to Santa Paula to Skate because they have a concrete park and they just have the best park. Ojai was well.....because it just wasn't really... The Ojai one is knarly, it's wood and it's super small. I have just pulled into the parking lot and just tripped out on it. There are some super good skaters. There is a handful of dudes that I'd see skateboarding there who are really good. I checked it out....there's a few kids who are super rad and they probably just don't want to take the bus; it's a hassle to go to Santa Paula.
We've been confused the whole time we've been here, like....why isn't there a big park here ? There are all these kids from, everywhere and boarding school kids and "that" is all they have. There's just THAT skate park... it's tacky.
Big O is where I actually started in Orange County when I was a kid and then Del Mar, and Upland Skate Park. Skateboaring has been my life since I turned pro when I was 17.
It's hard to break into skateboarding and then it's impossible to get out. Like I can't escape, it's everywhere now and it's such a big part of my life. I got everything I needed to get done with by the time I was 19. It was nice....I got to go everywhere, Australia, Europe, Canada, Hong Kong just all over....everywhere -- skating made my life complete for sure. I still don't regret any of it. I love it, still, and I'm 38 and I started when I was 11. I skate board and surf and that's all I wanted to do forever...
I don't think Skateboarding is going anywhere. It's not like rollerblading, I don't see that anymore, thank god. You know, your mom wore those, not you and your friends. You skate board and surf. That's just how I was raised you know.
Skate boarding feels better, they're not strapped to your feet. You can do so many things with them. There's a hundred and eighty uses for them. You can use them for a shovel, a ladder, you look cool in front of girls when you're younger. You can do so many things with them it's amazing. You can use them as a defense shield if people are throwing rocks at you. A ladder for your girlfriends room.'s really amazing. An outlet for artists....
There's nothing negative about a skate park it's just all good, it's healthy. It's not true that skate parks are drug attractions. If people think their kids are doing something then, perfect - at least they will know where they are. If you believe the drug thing, that garbage is everywhere, at least with a skate park the kids are where you can watch them.
Jennifer: "my son was depressed the whole time he lived here because there was nothing to do. He's sixteen -- tried to skate down at Starbucks and they called the police on them. Where are they supposed to go ?"
Look at it this way, it's job security for the police. A skate park is good no matter what. If the city has the money lets do it...get it going ! They need to do something for the kids and it's even more terrible if they don't.
The first time I ever skate boarded I was nine-years-old, it was on Red Hill in Tucson, my dad took me and he told me to zig zag and instead I went straight down the hill and I got super hurt. I totally remember, honestly thinking, I should have listened to my dad... and then I got thrown....I remember the whole thing... he ran down the hill, threw me into the car and took me to the hospital and they had to pick all the gravel off. But I didn't care I was into skate boarding and I was going to do it no matter what.
When I worked for this company in '92 we started a push to get a skate park in your town. Consolidated Skateboards, I worked there for 10-years. They would send packets to skate shops to help towns get their own skate parks. It worked. Now it's amazing, so cool, every town should have one. You have to have one if your a kid. Skateboarding is super super cool, it's just different. Maybe people are threatened because most skate boarders are free thinkers and all.
Now I'm doing a shoot for Vans and I'm doing some stuff for leather tooling in Japan -- some custom stuff. I'm also doing some stuff for Obey.
- Joel Anderson
More info.
Feb/2010: Ojai SKATEPARK UPDATE:Stalling Saga Continues.... City Attorney--->Ojai Unified School District--->Tainted City Council in 'Lovefest & Heel Dragging Relationship'Townsfolk Getting Impatient....
More Skatepark History
Ojai and Ventura View: Feb. 2010, Issue #23, Pg. 3 Why Geocon Corp. Is NOT Qualified to Build Ojai's Skate Park!
by Joel Anderson
Nearly two years since non-profit Skate Ojai successfully raised $1/4 million (before the June 30, 2008 fundraising deadline imposed by the City of Ojai) to build Ojai's skatepark, contractor bids were finally opened Jan. 25th. Of the five interested contractors, two exceeded the agreed budget, one did not submit a bid and the two remaining contractors submitted bids within the skatepark budget. Mike Culver is Ojai's Public Works Director, who oversees the process.
-California Skateparks appears to have submitted a detailed itemized bid within budget, as per the City of Ojai's requirements. Geocon Engineering, Inc. on the other hand, submitted a bid which contained incomplete information, and other information which was submitted, is now in dispute.
"I'm not supplying any guarantees that I'll be there doing it.... I got tired of people calling me up and bugging me about a job that.... you know I wasn't really going to be able to do."
Geocon's bid does not appear to meet the basic qualifying criteria set by the city. Despite this, the city is still trying to figure out if Geocon does qualify, which is wasting more significant time. In a City of Venice public document (dated Nov. 7, 2008) from the General Manager of that city, Geocon now appears to be in "deja-vu" all over again.... They had also been the low bidder on the Venice Beach Skate Park, but were disqualified because according to the "Report of General Manager," "That the Board: 1. Find the bid of GeoCon Engineering, Inc., to be non-responsive for its failure to meet the minimum qualification requirements...."
-For the Ojai bid, as with Venice Beach, Geocon had also listed "Morse Park" (Elk Grove, Ca) as a "skatepark" on their submitted bid; however, according to staff of City of Elk Grove, Morse Park is not a skatepark, but rather it is merely "a large, multi-use park (soccer field, baseball fields, softball fields, dog park, playgrounds, basketball courts, etc.)" Although Morse does contain some skatepark facilities, it consists only of 3 small on grade skating elements, not the specialized in ground skatepark Ojai is getting. Additionally, Geocon lists Vallejo (Wardlaw) and Escondido (all wood) on their submitted bid. These parks were contracted in 2005, before Geocon Engineering, Inc. was incorporated so Geocon was neither the prime contractor nor the subcontractor on those projects).
-Ojai had required a "List of [licensed] Subcontractors" from those submitting, in order to qualify their bids. Geocon has stated they would hire no-"none" (as noted on their official bid) sub-contractors; but would qualify their own "employees."
-Geocon president George Zadrozny, had listed a Wally Hollyday as his number "1." Geocon employee, of "Shotcrete Personnel" (The critical process requiring licensing, by which the concrete is applied).
-The VIEW phoned Mr. Hollyday to find out if he was in fact Geocon's number "1." employee and/or a licensed contractor. He said he was neither an employee of Geocon, or a licensed Shotcreter, but was in fact a "designer" (who had actually and originally co-founded the other bidder, California Skateparks, but as a Designer/business owner, not a contractor).
-Hollyday said, "I've got my own thing goin' on..... I just didn't want him [George Zadrozny-Geocon] using my name to get the job, so I don't know whatever happened with it.... I kind of left him hanging a little bit. He was looking for me to qualify for Shotcrete, and then I wouldn't do that.... yeah shoot the Shotcrete. I just try and stay more involved in my own designs. I may end up being up there working on it, but uh....I'm not supplying any guarantees that I'll be there doing it.... I got tired of people calling me up and bugging me about a job that.... you know I wasn't really going to be able to do." Epilag: Ojai's Building Dept. has again shelved the question of skatepark contractor selection indefinitely or..... until city attorney, Monte Widders spends more time, studying bids, submitted bids, etc., etc.... And so, of the 4 submitted bids, California Skateparks appears to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder and thus qualified to do the job.
The current "Ojai Skate Park - Project Timeline" (see city website at had projected the Ojai Skatepark "Construction Phase" was to commence Feb. 2 and be completed by mid summer, or July 23. Construction has not yet begun.
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